

  • Added TextWrapper.{int, float, ord}(), to convert strings to numbers.

  • Document integration of external libraries


  • Fix typo in operator ror that prevented it from working.


  • Wrapper.self will now always go back in the chain to the base of the last call, instead of onyl when the last callable returned None. This should fix the possible behaviour change when methods sometimes return None and sometimes a usefull value.

  • Fixed inconsistencies on how CallableWrapper.curry() deals with too many arguments. In Python this leads to a TypeError - and now it does here too.

  • Fixed bug that _._args behaved differently than documented. The documentation stated that _(lambda x, y=3: x).curry(_._args)(1, 2)._ == (1, 2) but it did instead return tuple(1)

  • Add __rmul__ and friends support on _._eachto allow expressions like 4 % _._each to work.


Breaking changes

  • IterableWrapper.iter() now returns unwrapped instances. This was changed for uniformity, as all other ways to iterate through a wrapped IterableWrapper returned unwrapped instances.

  • Removed Wrapper.tee() and Itertools.tee() as _(something).tee(a_function) is easily replicable by _(something).call(a_function).previous and IterableWrapper.tee() prevented me from providing itertools.tee.

  • Wrapper.type() returns a wrapped type for consistency.

  • Wrapper.{tuplify,listify,dictify,setify} have been removed, use for a wrapped or for an unwrapped result instead.

  • _.each now supports auto chaining of operations. That means you can type['bar'].baz('quoox')._ to generate a function that applies all of these operations in order. This also means that all functions generated from _.each need to be unwrapped (._) before usage!

  • is removed, as _.each.method('arg') now works as expected, so is not neccessary any more.

Notable Changes

  • CallableWrapper.curry() now supports converting positional arguments to keyword arguments.

  • IterableWrapper.each() to apply a function to every element just for the side effect while chaining off of the original value.

  • EachWrapper.in_(haystack) and EachWrapper.not_in(haystack) support to mimik lambda each: each in haystack.

  • All the top level classes have been renamed to have a common -Wrapper suffix for consistency and debuggability.

  • Added new method .to(a_type, *args, **kwargs) that calls a_type(self, **args, **kwars) but returns an unwrapped result, to more smothely terminate call chains in common scenarios.